Chancellor's Message
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2024, 01:30 PM
I’m incredibly proud to share the details of our ambitious strategic plan with you. This plan, Imagine 2030, is a bold undertaking to transform this University by reasserting our strengths in key areas and enhancing our position as a leading doctoral research university.
At its heart, this plan builds on our historical strengths and legacy of success. But we know that our future depends on us being willing to adapt to the world around us. I have spent the past year listening and learning from you. Through hundreds of one-on-one encounters and group discussions, I’ve learned what makes SIU Carbondale such a special place and which areas have the greatest potential for us to improve and evolve. These discussions were illuminating, heartfelt, and gave me a sense of direction that helped guide the rest of the planning effort.
Through these conversations, it became apparent to me that there were 5 overarching themes on which the University needs focus. These themes were:
- Student Success & Engagement: What does student success mean to us, and how can we improve our metrics for success and engagement among the student body?
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: How can we become a more inclusive and welcoming institution that values and respects individual differences?
- Branding & Partnerships: How can we elevate awareness and regard for the SIU Carbondale brand, and build strong partnerships with other organizations in the region, state, and nation?
- Research & Innovation: Where can we be even better in our research capabilities, and on what new innovations will SIU Carbondale lead the way?
- Sustainability: In what ways can SIU Carbondale build on its legacy of sustainability and position itself as a leading voice for sustainability in institutions of higher learning?
Each of these “strategic pillars” are interconnected and equally important for us to focus on as a collective body. These will be our key focus areas over the next decade and will help dictate how we prioritize staffing, funding, and execution.
All great strategies should capitalize on existing strengths. Our rural footprint in this beautiful part of the Southern Illinois region, coupled with our history of attracting students from urban/suburban areas across the state and country, puts us in a unique position when compared with other universities. We have a chance to position SIU Carbondale as the premier institution of its kind to take the lead in these key areas.
This macro-trend is impacting society, legislation at the state and federal level, and business strategy for major corporations. We can be a leading voice on this and other related causes and integrate this subject throughout our schools’ curriculum.
Finally, I want to stress that this University has thrived thanks to the amazing people who have given their heart and soul to SIU Carbondale. The dedication of our faculty, staff, administration, students, and alumni is what has made us successful and what will make us successful for another 150 years. Achieving this plan isn’t possible without great people, and lucky for us, we have an intensely dedicated and competent group of Salukis who will help make the dreams of Imagine 2030 into reality.
This entire process has revealed the magic of this University and I’m proud to be your Chancellor.
Thank you for everything you do for this University and for being part of Imagine 2030.
Dr. Austin A. Lane
Chancellor, SIU Carbondale